Roger Wakefield

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Climbing the Ladder in Skilled Trades

Skilled trades are some of the oldest, most in-demand jobs on the planet. From carpentry to plumbing and everything in between, these essential roles make up the backbone of our society. But does that mean there’s no room for advancement or career growth? Not at all! Let’s take a look at a few ways you can climb up the ladder in skilled trades.

Get Certified

One of the best ways to demonstrate your expertise is by getting certified in your craft. If you want to become an electrician or a plumber, for instance, there are organizations like NCCER that offer credentials that prove your knowledge and experience level. These certifications also make you more appealing as an employee, so having them on your resume can open doors for new job opportunities. It also shows that you are constantly improving and learning about your craft.

Go Back To School

It is never too late. If you want to move into management or become more specialized, going back to school might be a good option for you. There are lots of great programs available that offer diplomas and degrees in skilled trades. This is especially helpful if you’re looking to break into a new field such as construction management—most employers won’t even consider someone without formal education. Plus, having additional knowledge will give you an edge over other applicants who don’t have it.


Start Your Own Business

Another way to advance your career is by starting your own business in the skilled trade industry. You can use the skills and experience you already have to create something unique and successful—whether it’s starting a plumbing company or creating custom furniture pieces. This approach requires more risk than getting certified or going back to school but it can also be extremely rewarding if done correctly.

The Journey Never Ends:

No matter what stage you're at in your career, there are always opportunities for advancement and growth when it comes to skilled trades! Whether it's getting certified, going back to school, or starting your own business, there's something out there for everyone who wants to take their skillset further and increase their earning potential. With just a bit of time and effort, anyone can become an expert in their chosen field!