Exploring the Depths: A Plumber's Journey Into the Unknown

Hey, folks! Roger Wakefield here, coming to you from my favorite workplace – the Outhouse. Today, I want to take you on a journey down the rabbit hole, or should I say, down the plumbing pipe, as we explore the fascinating world beneath our feet. As plumbers, we've come a long way from the days of guesswork, thanks to modern technology like sewer cameras. Join me as I uncover the mysteries lurking beneath the surface and share the ins and outs of plumbing exploration. You can also follow along with the full video, here:

Before the era of sewer cameras, every plumbing job was a bit like detective work. Picture this: I'm pulling up to a house, eyes scanning the roof, inspecting vents, and trying to decipher the intricate network of pipes that run beneath. Why? Well, if I'm going to tackle a clogged system with a sewer machine, I need to know what I'm up against.

Today's adventure brings us back to the Outhouse, where the lavatory has been pulled, and the waterline is a mystery waiting to be unraveled. I'm on a mission to find out where this toilet leads – does it connect to a septic tank or vanish into the abyss? Let the exploration begin!

I delve into the history of this barn, I discover that when I first acquired the property, this room was a treasure trove of forgotten items. Amidst the debris, there was a hidden toilet, unbeknownst even to the previous owner who had held the property for four years. Now, with plans to build and expand, it's time to uncover the secrets of this hidden plumbing.

To kick off the investigation, the first step is to disconnect the water. I share a moment of nostalgia, pondering whether plumbers still use copper tubing to hook up toilets or if flexible hoses and pre-manufactured solutions have taken over. It's a trip down memory lane for me as I reminisce about the tricks of the trade, like using channel locks to reach inside and pull out tubing.

As the toilet comes apart surprisingly easily, I take note of the craftsmanship and ponder the choice of materials used back in the day.

As I peer down into the lead bend, I describe the scene as if looking into a mysterious abyss. The wax ring and fittings hint at a bygone era of plumbing. It's time to deploy the sewer camera – a trusty Milwaukee camera, of course – to explore the depths of the plumbing system.

Accompanied by the whirring of the camera, I guide you through the journey down the pipes. We encounter bends, fittings, and even a glimpse of what might be a pop, leaving us to speculate on the mysteries hidden below. The blue dot on the locator becomes our guiding star as we attempt to map out the sewer line's trajectory.

As the camera reaches its limit, I reflect on the discoveries made during this plumbing adventure. We've unveiled a hidden world beneath the Outhouse, but questions still linger. Is there a septic system? Does the plumbing connect to other drains on the property? The journey may have paused, but the quest for knowledge continues. Until next time, this is Roger Wakefield, signing off from the depths of plumbing exploration. Remember to #HIFNH today!


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a new and fun way to locate water lines