Roger Wakefield

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Fixing a broken frost proof

Hey there, DIY enthusiasts & plumbers! Today, I want to take you on a journey through a recent plumbing escapade of mine. Picture this: a chilly morning, a phone call from a concerned tenant, and it’s a leaky valve. Nothing new to a plumber.

"So as you can see, we have a leak." Those were the words that greeted me as I arrived at the property. A freeze a couple of weeks back had taken its toll, leaving us with a plumbing predicament to tackle. The tenant, bless their heart, had promptly notified me of the issue, pinpointing the source to a valve at the end of the house. So I grabbed my toolbox, and set out to see what was going on.

First things first, I needed to identify the root cause of the leak. It didn't take long to ascertain that the culprit lay within the inner workings of the valve. A faulty washer, most likely damaged during the freeze, was to blame. But as any seasoned DIYer knows, solving one problem often leads to uncovering another. In this case, it meant delving into the depths of brick and mortar to access the elusive copper line and metal adapter lurking within.

With grit and determination, I set to work, armed with my trusty Milwaukee screwdriver and a whole lot of patience. As I chipped away at the mortar, it became apparent that this wasn't going to be a straightforward fix. The realization dawned upon me that the joint wasn't threaded as expected but soldered, adding a layer of complexity to the task at hand.

Undeterred, I pressed on, carefully maneuvering to avoid any inadvertent mishaps. Safety first, after all—I had no intention of inadvertently setting the place ablaze! With cautious precision, I prepared to sweat off the soldered joint, a task requiring finesse and a steady hand.

As the day wore on, I found myself navigating a maze of solder and insulation, all the while strategizing my next move. It was a delicate dance of heat and metal, with each twist and turn bringing me closer to a resolution. And finally, after hours of meticulous labor, success was within reach.

With the leak stemmed and the valve replaced, I couldn't help but reflect on the valuable lessons learned throughout the process. “Stay prepared,” is my motto.

So, fellow DIYers, I leave you with this: embrace the challenges, relish the victories, and never underestimate the power of a little elbow grease. After all, when it comes to tackling leaks and overcoming obstacles, there's nothing we can't handle together. Until next time, happy plumbing….