how to be the tradesperson that everyone wants to work with

As I’ve said plenty of times before, being a tradesperson is a great career choice. You get to work with your hands, be creative, and have a skillset that's always in demand. But, how do you stand out among the crowd? Not that the skilled trades industry is getting crowded, it’s just that you can’t afford to blend in and be a tradesperson that no one knows about. In this blog post, we're going to explore some of the best ways to become the tradesperson of choice. From having excellent communication skills to being personable, we'll cover everything you need to know to be the go-to tradesperson in your area.

1. Communication is Key:

One of the most important things you can do to be the tradesperson of choice is to have excellent communication skills. Whether you're working with clients or other tradespeople, being able to communicate clearly and effectively is essential. Make sure you're always listening to what others are saying and asking clarifying questions when necessary. Keep in mind that not everyone is going to be as familiar with the terminology as you are, so take the time to explain things in plain language. Your customers will also love updates and explanations, just remember to explain in a way that a kid can understand and you’ll most likely have given a great, easy-to-understand explanation.

2. Be Reliable:

Probably one of the most important hallmarks of a succsessful tradesperson is reliability. You’ll be surprised how many people in general aren’t reliable, but being reliable is crucial when you want to be the tradesperson of choice. Make sure you show up when you say you will and always follow through on your commitments. If you're going to be late or need to reschedule, communicate that as soon as possible. Remember, everyone's time is valuable, and no one wants to waste it waiting around.

3. Be Professional:

Your professionalism will set you apart from others in the trades. Show up to jobs on time, dress appropriately, and be respectful of everyone you encounter. Your behavior on the job site reflects on you and your company, so make sure you're always presenting yourself in the best possible light. This means you don’t show up smelling like last night’s party or looking like you just got out of bed - I don’t care how dirty your job gets…Be a professional and it will serve you well.

4. Be Personable:

While demonstrating excellent technical skills is essential for tradespeople, being personable can set you apart from the rest. People want to work with someone who is easy to talk to and who makes them feel comfortable. Take the time to get to know your clients and other tradespeople on the job site. Building strong relationships will not only make your work more enjoyable, but it can also lead to more business opportunities. Those opportunities will lead to more referrals and become a cycle that can give you never ending supply of work.

5. Stay Up-to-Date with Industry Changes:

The trades are always evolving, so it's important to stay up-to-date with the latest industry changes. Attend conferences, read trade publications, follow tradespeople on social media, and join industry organizations to keep yourself informed. If this sounds overwhelming to you, try starting by listening to my podcast, The Trade Talks. You’ll get insight from industry leaders from all skilled trades, and be able to learn from their mistakes. By staying ahead of the curve, you'll be able to offer your clients the latest and greatest products and services.

In conclusion, becoming the tradesperson of choice takes more than just technical skills. By communicating effectively, being reliable, being professional, being personable, and staying up-to-date with industry changes, you'll be able to stand out among the rest. Remember, building strong relationships and providing excellent customer service will not only help you thrive in your current position but can also lead to more business opportunities down the road.


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