How Tradespeople Can Help Stop Human Trafficking Today

The skilled trades workforce makes up a significant portion of the global population. Whether it's electricians, plumbers, or carpenters, the trades are responsible for building and maintaining our homes, workplaces, and communities. What most people don't know, however, is that tradespeople can play a significant role in helping to stop human trafficking. This serious and often-overlooked issue affects millions of people worldwide, and it's time for professionals in the trades to step up and make a difference. Before we get into the how, I’d love to invite you to come hangout with me and Matt Osborne, President & Chief Operating Officer of Operation Underground Railroad. He’s been on countless missions to different corners of the globe, like the one you see in the movie, ‘Sound Of Freedom.’ The movie was actually based on Operation Triple Take, in which Matt headed the rescue in Armenia, Colombia - rescuing 123 victims of human trafficking in which 55 were minors. He’s a real hero and you get to ask him anything you’d like on the livestream this Saturday July 15th at 11am central time on my YouTube & Facebook.

Here’s a link to it:

Now let’s talk about 5 ways YOU can help.

1. Identify the signs: In order to stop human trafficking, it's important to understand the situations and red flags that can indicate someone is a victim of trafficking. Tradespeople should be aware of the signs such as unusual living environments, no identification on hand, and tattoos or branding. By identifying these patterns, you could save someone from a lifetime of pain and abuse.

2. Train your workers: As business owners and managers, training your employees is critical to help identify and report trafficking. Employees should be able to recognize and address situations that seem suspicious. Make sure you educate your workers and provide them with resources to report concerns to the relevant authorities.

3. Create a safe environment: Creating a safe work environment for all individuals is the first step in preventing trafficking. Be aware of who you hire, and ensure that everyone on your team feels respected, valued, and supported. Strive for diversity and inclusion so that individuals from all backgrounds feel comfortable and can speak up about any issues they might encounter.

4. Use your networks: The trades community is well-connected, and you could use this to your advantage. Reach out to local organizations, non-profits and other groups that work to combat human trafficking. Share the information they provide with your employees, or join in on volunteer opportunities to make a difference.

5. Advocate for change: Finally, by using your voice and speaking out against trafficking, tradespeople can make a real difference. Keep up to date with developments in the industry and lobby for change. Advocate for businesses to do due diligence on their suppliers and supply chains to prevent any inadvertent harming of human rights.

As tradespeople, you have the unique and powerful opportunity to help stop human trafficking and save lives. By being aware, training your team, creating a safe environment, using your networks, and advocating for change, you can make a real difference in the world. So, join the fight today, and let's work together to create a world where human trafficking is a thing of the past. Every step counts and every action can save someone's life.

Thank you reading about a topic that is so important to all of us - especially those with children. Please remember, if you can’t make it to the livestream this weekend, you can always watch the replay on this link:



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