HVAC Tech or Plumber? Here's How to Pick Your Career Path

When it comes to the skilled trades industry, two of the most popular career paths are HVAC and plumbing. And while both require a certain level of technical expertise, the two couldn't be more different. So how do you know which career path is right for you? In this post, we're going to break down the pros and cons of both HVAC and plumbing, so you can make an informed decision about your future in the trades.


If you're someone who loves working with your hands and isn't afraid of a little math, becoming an HVAC technician might be right up your alley. HVAC technicians are responsible for installing, repairing, and maintaining heating and cooling units, both in residential and commercial settings. This means you'll be working with everything from air conditioners to furnaces, and even dealing with ductwork. The pay can be pretty sweet, too, with a median salary of around $48,000 per year.

The downside? HVAC work can be grueling, physically demanding, and often requires a lot of overtime, especially during peak season. You'll also need a certain level of math proficiency, as well as the ability to troubleshoot and solve complex problems on the fly.


On the other hand, if you're someone who loves problem-solving and doesn't mind getting your hands dirty, plumbing might be more your speed. Plumbers are responsible for everything from fixing leaky faucets to installing entire plumbing systems in new buildings. The median salary for a plumber is around $55,000 per year, making it a lucrative career choice.

The downside? Plumbing can be downright gross at times, and there's always the chance you'll be called to deal with some pretty gnarly situations. You'll also need excellent spatial reasoning skills, as well as the ability to read and interpret blueprints.

How to choose

So now that you know the pros and cons of both HVAC and plumbing, how do you choose which career path to take? The truth is, it all comes down to your personal preferences. If you're someone who enjoys working with machinery and solving technical problems, HVAC might be the better option. But if you have a strong stomach and enjoy a good puzzle, plumbing might be a better fit.

Of course, the best way to figure out which career path is right for you is to give both a try. Many trade schools and apprenticeship programs will allow you to explore both HVAC and plumbing before deciding on which path to take.

In the end, there's no right or wrong answer when it comes to choosing between HVAC and plumbing. Both career paths offer unique challenges and rewards, and it all comes down to what you enjoy doing. No matter which path you choose, just remember that the trades are always in high demand, which means you'll always have job security and plenty of opportunities for growth. Get out there, get your hands dirty, and start building your dream career in the skilled trades!


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