Roger Wakefield

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i replaced my leaking hose bib

At The Outhouse, it all started when I noticed a small lake forming in my yard. Yes, you heard that right – a lake in my yard! Upon investigation, we discovered a temporary fix in the form of a repair coupling, but we knew it was time for a more permanent solution.

We had a piece of three-quarter-inch copper piping coming across the yard, connected to a PVC compression coupling. While the temporary fix served its purpose, we knew it was time to upgrade. I just couldn’t finish everything on the same day because I had to notify my tenants ahead of time that I was going to shut the water off.

But before diving into the project, we had to plan carefully. We measured and laid out our materials, ensuring everything would fit seamlessly into place. With the rain looming, we knew we had to work efficiently to get the job done.

I decided to swap out the PVC for copper and add a branch line for additional functionality. This required some careful soldering work, as we didn't want to risk any leaks or mishaps. With the help of a few tools and some patience, I was ready to go.

I began cutting and soldering the copper piping, and it felt good to watch things come together.

After carefully assembling the new hose bib and making sure everything was securely in place, it was time to turn the water back on. And to my relief, there were no leaks – just the sweet sound of success.

Looking back on the project, I'm proud of what I accomplished. Not only did I fix a leaking hose bib, but I also gained valuable experience and skills along the way. DIY projects like these may seem daunting at first, but with a little determination and perseverance, anything is possible.

Until next time, #HIFNH.