Roger Wakefield

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Plumbing Pros Perk Up! Using Social Media to Grow Your Business

Let’s be honest – when you think of the skilled trades industry, plumbing probably doesn’t come to mind as a social media-friendly business. But in today’s world where everyone and their dog has a social media account, it’s time for plumbing pros to perk up and tap into the potential of social media to grow their business. Using social media allows you to reach new customers, increase your exposure, and build brand recognition. So whether you’re a seasoned plumber or a newbie apprentice, let’s dive into the world of social media marketing!

1. Choose Your Platform

I chose YouTube because it was suggested to me by Derral Eves. It was the best choice for me and my ambitions to go big with Texas Green Plumbing. Truly, I just wanted to make my phone ring and my videos did that and so much more. So as a plumber, your focus should be on visually-oriented platforms, where you can showcase your impressive work and provide maintenance and DIY tips to followers. Instagram can be used to give a behind-the-scenes look at your business and share before-and-after photos or short videos of your work, while Pinterest can be used to share practical advice on plumbing repairs for homeowners. If you feel comfortable creating video content, consider creating a YouTube channel where you can detail how-to plumbing videos. And don’t forget Facebook, which remains the most popular social media platform in the world!

2. Build a Brand

Your social media accounts should represent your brand and business. It’s important to use high-quality photographs and design eye-catching graphics that show off your work. Use your social media profiles to tell your story and share your values. Share testimonials from happy customers and explain the services that you offer. By building a strong brand on social media, you will attract potential customers and build trust with your audience.

3. Engage and Interact

Engagement is key on social media. Ask your followers questions and respond to their comments on your posts. Participate in local online groups or forums where your target audience may be active. Share content that’s relevant to your industry and your followers, like informative articles and news stories related to plumbing. This not only shows that you’re knowledgeable but also increases your visibility on social media and builds credibility.

4. Use Ads – Sparingly

Advertising on social media can be a great way to promote your business to a wider audience. But, you should use ads sparingly and carefully. Make sure to target your audience properly, so you’re not wasting money on ads that won’t reach potential customers. You should also have clear goals for your ads, such as driving traffic to your website or getting people to call to book an appointment.

5. Track Your Metrics

Finally, you want to track your metrics to see how your social media efforts are paying off. Tools like Google Analytics can help you track website traffic coming from social media, while measuring the engagement and reach of your social media posts can help you determine which type of content resonates better with your followers.

Using social media to grow your plumbing business is not only smart – it’s essential. By sharing your expertise, engaging with your audience, and building a strong brand presence, you can attract new customers and take your business to the next level. So, get your wrenches ready and start snapping photos! Social media awaits your plumbing success stories.