Roger Wakefield

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Millionaire Tradespeople

A million dollars sounds like a lot - because it is.

And when you’re just starting out in your career of choice as a electrician, a plumber, a carpenter - or any other skilled trade - becoming a millionaire is a dream. Let me tell you, dreams do come true- but why on Earth would you want to make a million dollars?

It sounds cliché, but you have to really examine your reasons - is it for that old school Mustang you always wanted to drive? Is it for that 5 bedrooom home you always wanted to live in? Is it for your family members that you want to care for? Is it because you want to help the world through a charitable way?

If you can define your reasons and keep them close to your chest as you trek through life, you will find that the reasons to keep going will oftentimes move you past the most difficult times in your career and your life. A shit stain on your overalls means nothing if it means you can afford clothes and food for your kids, right? If you said yes, then a million dollars isn’t want you’re after. It’s FREEDOM.

Freedom is affordable, you just have to earn it.

That’s what my podcast guest, Jimmie Dale, the President of Baker Brothers Plumbing, Air, & Electric meant when he talked about not working for ‘beer money.’

Give that episode a listen on anywhere you like listening to podcasts, and subscribe so you don’t miss any other gems from the amazing people that come to the show. I want YOU to sit in my studio someday, and tell your own success story.

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