Roger Wakefield

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The Most Important Questions to Ask Before Taking a Job in the Skilled Trades

 If you’re looking to get into the skilled trades, you know that there are certain questions you need to ask before signing on for a job. You have to make sure that it’s the right fit for your needs and interests. To help you out, here are some of the most important questions to ask during an interview or when applying for a job in the skilled trades. 

What Are the Job Requirements? 

The first question you need to ask is what exactly is expected of you in this role. It’s important to find out what kind of skills and experience are required for this particular job so that you can make sure it matches up with your own skill set. Additionally, find out what kind of hours are expected, as well as any potential overtime requirements or travel commitments. 

Are There Any Training Programs Available? 

Many jobs in the skilled trades offer training programs and certifications. To ensure that you get off on the right foot, it’s important to find out what kind of training opportunities are available through your employer. This will give you a better understanding of how prepared you need to be when starting this job and how long it will take before you can become fully proficient in your trade. 

What Kind of Support Will I Have? 

In addition to finding out about any training programs available, make sure that you understand who your direct supervisor will be and who else might be helping oversee your work. It's also important to determine whether or not there is someone who can answer any questions or provide guidance if needed throughout the day-to-day operations of working in a skilled trade role. Knowing who your support system is ahead of time can help set expectations and provide peace of mind when taking on a new job.   

Getting into a new career field can be intimidating, but by asking yourself these key questions, you can ensure that you're getting all of the necessary information to make an informed decision about taking a job in the skilled trades. I have a course that will walk you through the entire process of a job hunt in the trades, make sure you check out for more info. Asking these questions during an interview or when applying for a position can help you understand what's expected from you and what kind of support you'll have once you start working in this field - so don't forget to ask them! With an understanding of your responsibilities and potential training  opportunities available to you, you'll be better prepared to succeed in your new career in the skilled trades!