The Power of Revisiting your Goals Mid-Year - Tips for the hardworking tradesperson

Life gets busy doesn’t it? You’re out in the field working day after day, and sometimes it feels like you have no time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. I get it. It’s easy to get caught up in work, and oftentimes in the midst of everyday life, it’s as if you don’t even realize what you may be working for. The truth is that you do know, otherwise you wouldn’t even try. But it’s important that you revisit your goals from time to time in order to keep yourself on track. Here’s a few things you should do that will re-energize you, and set yourself up for massive success:

1. Identify What Matters Most To You - Take a few moments to reflect on your life and the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of this year

Money is important when you don’t have it, but if your sole motivation is money, it will not lead you to the greatest success. Sure, give it a try if you don’t believe me, but then come back and read this post again when you find out what I said is true. Your reasons have to be bigger than just dollar signs. Who do you love the most in life and why? Don’t they deserve a life without worry, a life where you are caring for them? Does your dog or cat deserve the best flea medication available? Are there kids out there who were just like you, that need someone to look up to? Are you being that role model/example for them? Define your reasons, and go deeper than you thought you could - this will give you the drive to keep moving forward.

2. Draw Inspiration from Your Friends & Family - Ask those around you what motivates them and learn from their stories

If you ever forget your goals or why you’re doing what you’re doing, look around at the people closest to you and discover why they do what they’re doing. Sometimes we need an example to look up to, sometimes we need inspiration - and the people we keep close can be the support system we need to keep on advancing towards our dreams.

3. Get Creative & Visualize Success - Use your imagination to come up with practical yet creative solutions to reach your goals

What does success look like to you? Once you can define this, maybe on a piece of paper if it helps you describe it, you can picture it in your mind. This would mean you know what scene you’re trying to get to in your own life movie. Maybe you want a successful business full of happy employees, maybe you want a family business so that you can pass to the next generation, maybe you just want to be able to fix a toilet and come home before 6pm. Whatever it is, keep that vision in your backpocket because there’ll be times when you need it to move you forward.

4. Make Time To Re-Evaluate Your Progress - Step back and take stock of how far you’ve come since January

If you evaluated the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the year, could you say you’re on track? It’s so important to evaluate because only then can you tell if you’re heading in the right direction. If not, you can adjust accordingly. If you are on track to hitting your goals, you are now motivated and it will inspire you to set bigger ones.

5. Don’t Forget To Have Fun Along The Way! - Life is too short not to enjoy the journey towards achieving your goals

You will be thankful for the hard times in your life and work and you will look back and see that they were an important part of your journey. It’s where growth happens, and if you can find some enjoyment in the process towards achieving your goals, you’re well on your way to a better life - moreso than the person who’s only focus is the destination. So get ou there, work, and have a whiskey once you’re done.


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