TOP 7 Injuries In The Trades | Tradesmen safety 

I’m sure you know first-hand how important it is to stay safe on the job. Unfortunately, as we all know too well, accidents can happen no matter what precautions you take – but why risk another injury if we can help prevent them altogether? We'll be taking an in-depth look at the 7 most common injuries that can occur in the trade industry – and providing some thoughtful advice so you can minimize those risks! So read up and consider your safety first; it may just save you from a future trip to the hospital.

Top injuries

Injury #1: Cuts and Lacerations

This can be caused by sharp tools, sharp edges, or even sharp objects in the pipes. 

Injury #2: Slips, Trips, and Falls

This can be caused by wet floors, uneven surfaces, or even loose tools.

Injury #3: Burns

The third injury is burns. This can be caused by hot pipes, hot water, or even hot tools. 

Injury #4: Overexertion

This can be caused by lifting heavy objects, working in awkward positions, or even working for long periods of time

Injury #5: Eye Injuries

This can be caused by flying debris, chemicals, or even tools.

Injury #6: Electrocution

This can be caused by faulty wiring, exposed wires, or even faulty tools. 

Injury #7: Falls from Heights

This can be caused by working on ladders, scaffolding, or even roofs.

Safety Tips

It's important to stay safe while plumbing. Here are some tips to help you stay safe:

  • Wear the proper safety gear, such as gloves, goggles, and a hard hat.

  • Follow all safety instructions and procedures.

  • Be aware of your surroundings and potential hazards.

  • Take regular breaks to avoid fatigue.

  • Use the right tools for the job.

  • Don't take shortcuts.

  • Don't work alone.

Although we’ve only looked at seven of the most common injuries, this is by no means an exhaustive list. No matter what trade you find yourself in, be aware of your surroundings and take the necessary precautions to avoid accidents. Use the proper tools for each job, wear the appropriate safety gear, and never cut corners when it comes to safety. If you follow these simple tips, you’ll minimize your risk of injury on the job site. And if you’re interested in getting into the trades but don’t know where to start, check out – we can help get you started on a path towards a successful career in the trades!

Watch my YouTube video to learn more!


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