Water HEater Comparison

Today we are going to talk about water heaters; the different types, how they work, and which ones can save you the most money.

We’re going to start with the two work horses of the water heater industry: the gas tank and the electric tank. Chances are you have one of these guys at home. They’re the old faithfuls of the water heating world, though not necessarily the most efficient.

Tank water heaters usually have a capacity of 30, 40, or 50 gallons. But they can come much bigger. I once saw a house with two 100 gallon water tanks. The idea behind these is that the heating element continually keeps your tank full of hot water, ready to be accessed when you need it.

A gas tank will have a burner at the bottom that will heat your water. The heat from the fire is also directed at a metal rod going through the center of the tank, heating the water evenly throughout the whole tank. This uses a constant flow of gas, making it probably the least efficient option.

The electric tank has heating elements that work in a similar way, but without the flame that comes along with a gas tank. Behind panels on the tank you’ll find heating elements that go through the tank, using that electric power to heat the water. The thermostat inside the tank will let the system know when to turn the electricity on to heat the water in the tank, making it just a little more efficient than gas.

The next step in efficiency is tankless water heaters. Now I’m not going to talk a lot about electric water heaters today. There is a lot to them, and people often have to install additional electric panels just to be able to get enough power to them. I’m not saying they’re not good, but for a lot of people it may not be worth it.

So I’m going to talk about the most common tankless water heater – a gas tankless. These are great because they heat water on demand, so there’s no waste in keeping water hot when you’re not around to use it. When you turn on the faucet, water is sent through the heating chamber where it goes through a narrow passageway with intense heat on it, rapidly increasing the temperature of the water. This is great for efficiency. You’re not wasting gas keeping water hot all the time.

The last one I want to talk about is the heat pump water heater. This is the big daddy. This is an electric water heater, but it doesn’t work like a traditional electric water heater. This has equipment built into it that will literally pull heat out of the ambient air and use that heat to warm the water in the tank. It can be up to 70% more efficient than a traditional electric tank water heater.

Now it’s bulky. There is a lot of equipment in here. But if you have room for it, this could be a great choice and could save you a lot of money in the long run.

People ask me all the time what water heater they should put in. At the end of the day, I generally recommend replacing your old water heater with something similar. If you have a gas tank heater, go with a gas tank heater. And here’s why: you’re already set up with all the right connections and lines. Your plumber won’t have to do anything special to get you set up. And your house is designed to work with that system. With nothing to change, you should have a pretty quick and easy install.

But if you really want to upgrade, just keep in mind that you may have to add electricity outlets or upsize your gas line, and that’s going to add to the price of the install. Now if you currently have an electric tank heater and have room for the heat pump tank, considering the amazing efficiency ratings, that’s one change that is worth looking into.


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