What Do You Mean My Double Kitchen Sink is Backing Up?

Picture this — you just finished washing the dishes in your double kitchen sink and you go to drain the water from both sides. But instead of draining out, the water starts backing up! What gives? It turns out there are a few possible causes for this issue. Let’s dive into why your double kitchen sink might be backing up, and what you can do about it.

Blocked Drain Pipe

The most common cause for a backed-up double kitchen sink is a blocked drain pipe. This could be caused by food particles that have built up over time, or even objects like toys or jewelry getting caught in the pipes. To determine if this is the culprit, first check to make sure nothing has been dropped down either side of the sink and then inspect the pipes under your sink to see if they look clogged or blocked. Sometimes all it takes is running some hot water through the pipes to loosen any debris that may be blocking them. If that doesn’t work, you may need to use a plunger or snake to unclog your drain pipe.

Clogged Garbage Disposal

Another possible cause of a backed-up double kitchen sink is a clogged garbage disposal unit. If you have one installed in your kitchen, try turning it on and see if it makes any noise when it runs. If not, then chances are it’s clogged and needs to be either serviced or replaced altogether. To find out which one you need to do, try unplugging the unit from underneath your sink and manually spinning its blades with an allen wrench; if they move freely then that means it just needs servicing and you can plug it back in and turn it on again with no problems. However, if they don’t move at all then that means you likely need to replace the unit altogether as its motor has probably burned out.

Sewer Line Problems

If neither of those two issues seem to be causing your double kitchen sink backup problem then there could be an issue with your sewer line itself—especially if multiple drains throughout your home are affected by backups as well (showers, bathtubs, etc). A professional plumber will be able to inspect these lines with specialized tools such as cameras and hydro jets to determine exactly what’s causing blockages so that they can take care of them properly. 

 While double kitchen sinks are incredibly convenient for tackling large piles of dishes after meals (or parties!), dealing with their dreaded backups can put a damper on things pretty quickly! Fortunately, there are usually only three possible causes for these backups—a blocked drain pipe, a clogged garbage disposal unit, or sewage line issues—each of which can easily be fixed with a bit of elbow grease (or help from a professional tradesman). So next time your double kitchen sink starts backing up don’t panic; just follow my steps above and you should have everything flowing smoothly again in no time!



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