Roger Wakefield

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What Questions Should You Expect In Your Skilled Trade Interview?

Ah, the interview. That nerve-wracking experience when you try your best to make a good impression and answer all of the questions correctly. Applying for a job in the skilled trades isn't any different from applying for any other job in that you should expect some difficult questions during your interview. But don't worry—we've got you covered! Here are some of the top questions you should expect in a skilled trade interview. 

What Qualifications Do You Have? 

This is one of the most common questions asked during an interview, and it's important to be prepared with a solid answer. Make sure to bring along your credentials, such as certifications or diplomas, to demonstrate your qualifications. Additionally, if you have any experience or knowledge related to the position, make sure to mention it here. 

Are You Able To Work Under Pressure? 

The skilled trades require workers who can think on their feet and work under pressure—especially if it's an emergency situation! Be prepared to give examples of times when you have successfully worked under pressure, such as at a previous job or during school projects. If you haven't had much experience working under pressure yet, focus on how you handle stress and how well-organized and detail-oriented you are—these traits will come in handy in any field! 

What Are Your Strengths And Weaknesses? 

This question comes up in nearly every interview, regardless of what field it is for. It's important to be honest about both your strengths and weaknesses without coming across as too negative or too boastful. For example, if you are applying for a plumber position and know that mathematics isn’t really your strong suit but are willing to put extra effort into learning more about it - say so! Showing that you're open to learning new things is always a plus. 

Answering these three questions may seem daunting at first but with proper preparation, they shouldn’t be too intimidating. I created a course that will walk you through the entire process of a job hunt in the trades. Make sure you sign up at for more info.  Remember that interviews serve two purposes - for employers to get an idea of who they’re hiring and for applicants to show off their skillset and qualities that make them stand out from other candidates vying for the same role. Be confident in yourself and let your personality shine through - before long enough you’ll have landed yourself that dream job in the skilled trades! Good luck!