Roger Wakefield

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Why you should skip college

I’m going to say something controversial here. If you're not aiming to be a doctor, lawyer, CPA, or engineer, skip college! Pursue a career in the trades. Here’s why:

1. Zero Debt

Starting in the trades means you earn from day one without accumulating student debt. Many college graduates face student loan debt that can be hundreds of thousands of dollars. Many trade apprenticeships offer paid learning opportunities, so you’re getting paid while you’re learning.

2. Hands-On Learning

In the trades, you learn on the job. Unlike college, where unrelated subjects are mandatory, trade apprenticeships focus directly on practical skills needed for the job. You want to be an electrician? You’re going to learn on the job how to be an electrician. No extra English Lit class necessary.

3. Practical Skills

Trades teach you valuable skills, from using tools to problem-solving. These skills are not only job-specific but also useful in everyday life. Many of the skills also carry over into other trades. I even once heard someone refer to auto mechanics as plumbers for cars.

4. Job Security

With a high demand for tradespeople and many retiring, job security in the trades is excellent. There are currently a million unfilled trades jobs in the U.S., expected to grow to three million in a few years. There are a lot of older trades people retiring, and not nearly as many getting into the trades. There are so many opportunities out there for someone willing to do the work.

5. Personal Satisfaction

Tradespeople take pride in their work. The satisfaction of building or fixing something tangible is big. It's common for tradespeople to point out their projects with pride because they take pride in a job well done.

6. Strive for Excellence

Aim to be the best in your field. I recommend everyone read "The Dip" by Seth Godin, which emphasizes striving for excellence. Being the best all but guarantees job security. No one wants to fire the best, so be that person. That will also open up doors for career advancement.

7. Entrepreneurial Opportunities

The trades offer excellent entrepreneurial opportunities. With experience, you can start your own business and control your income. If you’ve ever wanted to own your own business, a business in the trades is a great way to go.

8. Community and Support

The trades foster a strong sense of community. Whether through unions or job sites, tradespeople support and learn from each other. You have brothers and sisters all over the country. Not just all over the country, but all over the world.